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September 28, 2004



Hi Ruben,

I have read your Web Site. Currently I startwriting a thesis about identification of knowledge. Could you give me some tips what is relevant to that subject?
Thank you in advance.

Carol H Tucker

an interesting exercise in personal knowledge mapping: http://www.naviquestgroup.com/


My name is Rubén Darío Carrillo Marca. I'm developing my thesis, in order to have the degree of Systems Engineer, about "Design of a Knowledge Management Systems for the UTEG University".
Due to this, I would like could help me by sending me any information (algorithm, methodology, theorical/referential frame, etc.) about my topic.
When I have finished my thesis and it has been approved, My intention is to give it freely for any other University in my country because that issues is really new here.
. At this moment, I`m in the fase of definitions, framework, theorical and methodological frame.
Basically, I`m defining a sistemic model (based on previouses works) and then , by using the European Methodology of knowledge Management, design it with ISO standards.
Finally there is the implantation (outside this thesis) with some kind of software (probably open source) I hope I`ve been clear enough abaut all the topics to develop, I`m really thankful because of your help, time, advices and feedbak

Best regards,

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