Tools for knowledge mapping vary from MS Visio or Inspiration for flow charts and concept maps to specialized software such as InFlow and NetMap. I guess the important question to ask is, what are you mapping for?
a) To compile an inventory of knowledge artifacts and find tacit knowledge wellsprings?
b) To chart the speed source, destination and constraints on knowledge flow?
c) To track compliance with established knowledge practices? (capture deviations, exceptions and critical parameters)
d) To search for knowledge related opportunities? (technology, cultural or practice related)
e) To discover communities of practice and emergent knowledge roles? (gatekeepers, stewards, translators, ontologists)
f) To trace, value and locate intellectual capital and audit intellectual property?
g) To document existing knowledge practices and plan interventions?
h) To guess at where you can reap the greatest ROI?
i) To discover knowledge needs and decide on an architecture or technology?
Each of these requires different techniques and tools. When you plan your knowledge mapping exercise think deeply how you will separate and account for the knowledge resident in people vs. that in static objects vs. that embedded in structures and processes. Consider what aspects of the knowledge cycle you wish to pay particular attention to e.g. creation, sharing, storage, transformation, exchanges, distribution.
You can map knowledge using structured questionnaires, open ended questions, one to one interviews, ethnographic observations of work tasks, video analysis, summary of network transactions, collecting sales stories or lessons learned. You can use pen and paper, palmtop, electronic notebook, word processor, database, text or data mining tools.
Hi Ruben,
I have read your Web Site. Currently I startwriting a thesis about identification of knowledge. Could you give me some tips what is relevant to that subject?
Thank you in advance.
Posted by: Fryca | June 16, 2005 at 07:15 PM
an interesting exercise in personal knowledge mapping:
Posted by: Carol H Tucker | October 10, 2004 at 07:51 AM
My name is Rubén Darío Carrillo Marca. I'm developing my thesis, in order to have the degree of Systems Engineer, about "Design of a Knowledge Management Systems for the UTEG University".
Due to this, I would like could help me by sending me any information (algorithm, methodology, theorical/referential frame, etc.) about my topic.
When I have finished my thesis and it has been approved, My intention is to give it freely for any other University in my country because that issues is really new here.
. At this moment, I`m in the fase of definitions, framework, theorical and methodological frame.
Basically, I`m defining a sistemic model (based on previouses works) and then , by using the European Methodology of knowledge Management, design it with ISO standards.
Finally there is the implantation (outside this thesis) with some kind of software (probably open source) I hope I`ve been clear enough abaut all the topics to develop, I`m really thankful because of your help, time, advices and feedbak
Best regards,
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Posted by: Ruben | October 02, 2004 at 12:56 PM