If you wished to learn about KM on the web, where would you go?
KM is a difficult and complex domain. Here are some places to visit to get to grips with this exciting area.
Glossaries, FAQs and dictionaries
If you are new to the terrain, it helps to know the language, understand the key concepts and to have a feel for the boundaries. These sites are incomplete - they do not provide adequate coverage, there are conflicting and different meanings are given the same names, and each space is targeted at a separate audience.
Fairly comprehensive, provides cross-links to related topics, largely self-contained - few external links.
Sveiby's FAQ
Provides good coverage - a personal Q&A format.
Context Machines - FAQ
A good place to start
Seemed to be dated 1999? related links did not load.
KM metazine
More than a simple glossary, this covers KM roles, technologies, key concepts and more.
Sparse coverage.
KM for beginners
KM map
A visual picture of the field
KMRC - KM intro page
A solid compendium of starter links.
Discrete topics, lead article and commentary. Uneven coverage.
KM overview - KnowledgeBoard pdf
Useful entry piece.
KM for beginners - J Pierce
Another useful entry point
KM is a huge field with many on-line resources from KM homepages to mega-portals. An easy way to gain entry to KM coversations is to join a KM community or subscribe to RSS feeds from KM bloggers.
If you need further guidance, feel free to drop me an e-mail, IM or Skype me.
Any suggestions or additions to this list would be very welcome.
I'm the KM beginner, responsible for KM implementation for my organization. I had ever done KM Audit (process mapping) as an assistant, now i'm a KM key man and i'll start CoP but i know about it little bit...
Could you explain me...
- how to select the topic to CoP for the Department are seperated too many division?
- how to motivate them to attend?
I'm waiting for your reply. Thank you.
Best Regards,
Posted by: anocha | May 21, 2006 at 09:31 PM