Louis Suarez has bestowed the dubious honor upon me by tagging me in his recent post. I notice others have beaten me to the post and thus contributed to the propagation of this meme - nothing more powerful than asking a blogger to reflect on themselves!
What others may not know (or care to know?) about me:
My introduction to expert systems (hence KM) came during a visit to Saasveld South Africa in January 1985 by Professor Tony Starfield He talked about modeling decisions and capturing expert heuristics - a transformation on 01/13/1985 that changed my thinking forever.
Roughly 80% of my personal memory is still available via the Web Archive. We leave larger footprints than we ever imagine!
We have a very international family - daughter-in-law from Japan, son-in-law from Zimbabwe.
My roots are in ecology - forestry, soil science and geomorphology - now I make high tech carbon fiber bicycle components for Zipp, working on RFID, responsible for web site management, podcasts and internet sales.
I met Nancy White way back in 1998, Louis Suarez in 2006 and Patrick Hindert in 2001, all virtually before we connected f2f.
Tagged: my KM mentors: Verna Allee, Etienne Wenger, Philippe Baumard, George von Krogh and Edwin Hutchins.